Finns #1: Split Enz

I bought my first Split Enz album in 1980.  I bought it again in 2020.  And I asked for, and was given, that album a third time as a gift in 2021.  That album is True Colours.

I am a HUGE fan of Split Enz, and have tried to get my hands on as much of their studio output as possible.  Because of this love for the Enz, I have followed the careers of the Finns over the past 40 years.  This will be the first of 7 posts I will do about Finn related output, this one focusing on Split Enz themselves.  I have all of the studio albums that the Enz released, some multiple times, as well as a selection of live albums and rare stuff, however there is still some stuff that eludes me.  Those are:

Anniversary 1994 - As I already have a few live albums, this one seems a bit extra.

Other Enz: Split Enz and Beyond 1999

Extravagenza 2005 (a reissued and expanded version of Anniversary) - a copy of this pops up for sale online regularly, but at $20 for a second-hand copy of yet another live album, I haven't been tempted.

I Like it Rare #1-3 - Released through the FotE Fan Club - I have #4, which was available from the club at the time I joined, but I was much too late to get the first 3.

If you have any of the above and are willing to part with it at a reasonable price, please drop me a line.  Anyway, on to what I do have...

First, the vinyl collection: all of the studio albums and then some.  My personal favourite is "Frenzy."

With the vinyl record of the final album, "See Ya 'round," I got a limited edition jigsaw.

Here's my second purchase of "True Colours," the 2020 remaster on coloured vinyl.

My Split Enz on CD, including my third copy of "True Colours" (the 2020 remastered version, with bonus tracks), a signed copy of "Time and Tide," the 2-disc, fan club, version of the 'lost' album "Rootin' Tootin' Luton Tapes," and my more recent purchase of second-hand copies of both CD box sets, which include all 10 albums (yes, I own a 4th copy of "True Colours now) remastered plus the very hard to get copies of:

Oddz and Enz 1992 - Included in the "Silver" Box Set Split Enz 1972–1979

Rear Enz 1992 - Included in the "Gold" Box Set Split Enz 1980–1984

And finally, Split Enz on DVD (plus a CD included with "One Out of the Bag") offering music videos and live performances.  Three of these DVDs are from the FotE fanclub.

Some people may be aware that some Split Enz members have created a new band, called the Forenzics, and have recorded a new album reinterpreting some old Enz songs into new material, which is released on February 4th, 2022 (already preordered and will be added to an upcoming Finn-related post).  A few of the tracks have been put up on YouTube here (look under the "videos" link for all of them).


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